Running a Show

From a Terminal window:

  python /home/pi/pipresents/ -p show-profile-name

Full screen, append ‘-f’ to the command:

python /home/pi/pipresents/ -p show-profile-name -f

Full screen and no-sleep, append ‘-b’ to the command:

python /home/pi/pipresents/ -p show-profile-name -f -b

Full screen, no-sleep and debug log append ‘-d 1000’:

python /home/pi/pipresents/ -p show-profile-name -f -b -d 1000

Debug log can be found here: /home/pi/pipresents/pp_logs/pp_log.txt.
The number is the log level. See the manual for more debug log handling info.

Autostart full screen show on boot:

  1. From a terminal: nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
  2. Add a line in this format:
    /usr/bin/python /home/pi/pipresents/ -o /home/pi -p show-profile-name -f -b
  3. Save and close.
  4. Test: sudo reboot

Desktop Shortcut:

  1. In a terminal: nano /home/pi/Desktop/my-show-name.desktop
  2. Add italicized lines below, modify for your show, choose icon as desired:
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=My Pi Presents Show
    Comment=Pi Presents Show
    Exec= sudo python /home/pi/pipresents/ -p my-show-name -f -b
  3. Save and close.
  4. A desktop icon should have appeared.
  5. Double click to test.

Close a show

  1. Alt + F4 or
  2. Control + Break